Tuesday 2 October 2012

BA7 Personal Project


(BA7 Will directly bleed into BA8. Think of it as a dry run.) 

We have yet again been tasked with creating our own work brief. BA7 includes an extensive statement of intent which declares our aspirations and goals for the forthcoming year. We have to collect and collate our research into a document and presentation, therefore the way we display information must be interesting and cohesive yet concise and refined. BA8 will bring our intentions to fruition. We will produce an extensive design document. 

Learning Agreement ideas:

My project will have me creating concept art for a potential game focusing on the theme of horror and the paranormal. My love for dark fantasy has led me to create a unique world for my concept characters to live within. 

I want the game to be something people haven't yet seen, so I will need to incorporate unusual or unorthodox methods in my design. Further refining my 2D work will require me to focus on both character and environmental assets, to be able to create a believable and realistic atmosphere.

Artwork should predominantly include characters yet feature a few environments. I want to greatly improve my 2D rendering skills. I will try to accomplish this by further studying anatomy to gain an understanding of human physiology. Reflecting on my previous work may also warn me of mistakes I made in the past when trying to create a fully fleshed out character or environment. Creating compelling and exciting artwork will require all of my efforts, but I need my artwork to evolve to a professional level.

Looking at examples of concept art processes and final outcomes should improve my overall skill set.

Research should lead me to watch many horror films. I would like to explore different horror archetypes:

The slasher - A mysterious person/ghost/monster kills off the characters one by one.

Vengeful female ghost - A ghost, very often a female, wants the living to feel the same as she did, or to punish her malefactors, or to "punish" people who has what she couldn't have.

Haunted house - A place is infused with some previous owner's ghost who doesn't like new people, or some variety thereof.

Loneliness - Ghosts don't want to be left alone in the spirit world, or want to bring somebody they loved with them. Seems to be a recent trend.

Seeing ghosts - That one person sees ghosts but not others is a bit disconcerting, naturally.
Investigating some old archive/story reanimates old haunts - Pretty much a clear "don't put your nose where it doesn't belong".

Creepy little kid interacts with ghosts - A stronger form of the "sees dead people" story, but with a more disturbing edge that brings out the parental insticts in us (even those of us who doesn't have kids)

My aim is to create something fresh and new for the market.

BA7 Learning Outcomes:

Assessment outcomes:
LO1: Demonstrate consistent knowledge and understanding of your subject area, making
detailed reference to current and emerging practice.
We will be looking for in-depth research of game culture and other convergent cultures relating specifically to the development of your project particularly within your Learning Agreement, your Blog, and draft Research Report.

LO2: Identify issues or questions relevant to your subject and adopt established research methods, clear analysis and appropriate written and visual communication through a draft research report.
We will be looking for indications that you
have identified and can communicate a range of research methods appropriate to your project, particularly through the clarity of information evident in your Design Document, Blog and draft Research Report.

LO3: Evidence a clear understanding of contextual, historical and ethical concepts using research material from a variety of sources relevant to your own practice.
We will be looking for iterative theoretically development in your blog and further focussed connections within your Design Document and Research Report

LO4: Plan your learning, using a range of technologies, references and approaches appropriate to your subject.
We will be looking for clear communication regarding the timescale and milestones of your project. This should be evidenced in both your blogs and your research documents.

LO5: Evaluate a diverse field of information and ideas in order to make informed judgments about appropriate questions and potential solutions to problems.
We will be looking for development evidence of ideas using a range of information, technical, historical, theoretical, practical evident in all areas of your project.

LO6: Communicate creatively and appropriately to a variety of audiences using spoken word, text and images.
We will be looking for informative and well populated Blogs, thorough and expressive Design Documents and the ability to present your ideas clearly as a Pitch/Presentation

Assessment Work: 

Create concept art and a concise accompanying narrative for a potential horror game set in a unique world. (Using advice from http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Own-Fantasy-World I will attempt to create a rich world filled with intrigue.)

I will fully flesh out this character via character sheets and and provide a dramatic 'set piece' illustration.

A blog will greatly assist me in retaining and processing ideas for later use. I will watch and analyse horror films and write my findings in this blog to gain a better and more coherent understanding of the horror genre.

My Horror Game Concept: 

Above are two of my own concepts.

To base my game concept in reality I would like to look into real life witch-hunters, ghost-hunters and demon hunters.

The protagonist is a Demon Hunter (male or female) on a mission to vanquish evil. He is experienced in dealing with all manner of paranormal creatures and entities. He deals with his enemies by 'containing' them in magical, enchanted 'cards' or 'card prisons'. The cards will be reminiscent of Tarot cards. Each entity he captures may also later be used to aid him against other enemies. With each cards he uses, a different effect occurs. Some cards summon the captured entity to help with battle, whereas some conjure a potent spell to assist him.

He keeps the card prisons in 2 pouches on his sides. They are magically sealed to only allow him to open them.

Enemies vary between ghosts/ghouls/demons/monsters/zombies. Enemies should be terrifying and create a sense of tension. Atmosphere should also dictate fear within the player.

Set in the time before technology is prominent. Melee weapons and magic spells take prominence.

Story Synopsis:

His mission led him to a washed out village, windows wide open and shattered. The wind blew hard on his back and arms, almost blowing out his torch. Luckily he lit his flame with enchanted blue fire, making it more hardy to the effects of nature. Moonlight shone on his face, illuminating his rugged features. He smirked as he saw a glimpse of a shadow fly past a nearby damaged brick wall.

He gave chase, knowing the danger he could soon encounter. With sword drawn and torch raised in his hand, his legs propelled him to the point of interest.

There it was; a greater demon. Its black hair emanating from its head like a dark flame in the wind.
Its muscles contracted as its right arm raised in the air with hand outstretched. Matter was being drawn to its hand, like a vacuum. It only took a few seconds to absorb the energy it needed for the molten fireball. With a great swish, the demon threw the fireball with great ferocity.

Horror film Research:

Frankenstein (Bride of Frankenstein 1935) 



Themes of entering a house for the first time and the unknown fill these films.

This is one messed up film. I have watched countless horror films but this one seems to be the most effective at making my eyes water in terror. From the creators of Insidious (see review) and Paranormal Activity, this films delivers a no-holds-barred punch when using its heavy weapons to terrify the audience.

Techniques include the usual cheap 'jump tactics' out of silence and long dark corridors with seemingly infinite possibilities. What this film does right is its use of audio and holding suspense. Videos similar to the one found in the Ring are used to show the audience the gruesome ways in which the victims are killed, and each video comes with its own gut-wrenching score. Image nails on a chalkboard tenfold.

Paranormal Activity Series/Blair Witch

Using 'nothing' to scare people is the theme of these films. Many moments of watching an empty room lead to undeniable tension and eventually a 'false scare' or real one. False scares fill the viewer with relief, but are often followed up by a real scare which catches the audience off guard.
A real scare fills the audience with an imminent sense of fear.

The Ring/The Grudge Series (Asian versions)

Watching these films at a young age probable wasn't a good idea. The fact that the premise of these horror films is so simple and feasible makes them even more terrifying.

In 'The Ring', a mysterious video tape of unknown origin causes people to die in horrific ways. After watching the tape, a phone call simply informs you that you have 7 days until you die. This ominous 'warning' comes with no apparent way to rid of the curse. It is eventually found out that only the last person watching the tape dies, so if you manage to make someone else see it, you will be safe. A warning of death is a very potent device used to inform the viewer that something awful will occur on screen inevitably. This can be likened to the Final Destination series of films. Inevitability is always a terrifying thing as there normally isn't a way to get out of it.

Hostel Series/Human Centipede (Gore)

Torture horror is probably/definitely the most distasteful variety of horror. With no holds barred, anything seems to go down in these types of films. Hostel is no exception, with peoples eyes being gouged out and flesh being carved off and eaten, this makes for a physically sickening experience.
The horror in these films is primarily derived from the insanity and sadistic nature of the antagonists. What makes someone so crazy and dangerous to humanity? What enables someone to torture with no remorse or hesitation? Some psychopaths can't be explained at all, but for the most part, it probably has a correlation with a bad upbringing.

28 Days/Weeks Later - Zombie Films

Zombie films in general tend to follow George. A. Romero's classic shambling zombies, but these films really pump up the intensity but allowing their undead to actually run! On paper this really doesn't sound significant, but when you see it in action, it truly is terrifying.
The 'infected' as they're named in 28 Days and Weeks later are also not considered to be 'zombies' to the way they can transform humans. No longer is it necessary to bite the victim; instead, the virus travels through all forms of bodily fluid. In the first film, a man becomes infected when a droplet of blood falls onto his eye as he looks upward, transforming him into a blood raged 'zombie' almost instantly.
The fear that director Danny Boyle wants to get across really works. I believe it is a social commentary on cleanliness and how easy it is to be 'touched' by a contagion. The film explores themes of solitude, loneliness, degradation and desperation. All big factors when determining fear itself.

25 Most Disturbing Scenes in Horror from IGN: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/10/29/the-25-most-disturbing-scenes-in-horror

29/10/12 Ghost Walk - From Adam and Eve Pub (Norwich)

Went with Sarah to a ghost walk thinking it would be an interesting look at ghost stories from around Norwich. Not only were the stories from around the world but they lacked in the 'gripping factor'. We ended up being rather bored and let down. The stories were acted out by people with very little skill and charisma. Very wooden. As for the 'horror' element, it was pretty much non-existent. The only thrill I got was walking past a dark bush when a girl screamed her lungs out. Sarah was equally unimpressed with the nights events. Their idea of scaring people involved wearing crappy prosthetic masks and staring down people. This probably had something to do with limited production value and a PG-rating.

Horror Game Research:

Condemned: Criminal Origins - Xbox 360. Monolith Productions, 2005. 

I can remember this game terrifying me due to its realistic setting and very down to earth and subtle main characters. A very dark aesthetic is created using the fictional American town of Metro, which could be likened to Detroit's crime filled areas. The lack of any real assistance reminds the player that they are truly alone when facing off the crazed psychopaths who are trying to murder you.
The game focuses on melee combat and features weapon degradation. This means constant monitoring of your arsenal's longevity and scavenging for make-shift weaponry.
Although grounded in reality there are a few supernatural elements involved, such as the main characters ability to regenerate and ghostly activity.

Resident Evil Series - Capcom. 

It was the earlier titles in this series which created such a impact in the world. These games redefined survival horror. The original titles (Resi 1 to 3) used a fixed camera position for a number of reasons; to enable a highly detailed, painted backdrop to create a deeper sense of immersion and also to restrict the gamers perception throughout the game. Not being able to see around a corner at your own pace was truly scary. Audio played a huge part in these games too, using tranquil tones to build up the pace and bashing out crescendos when an enemy encounter was inevitable.

Alan Wake - Microsoft Studios - Remedy Entertainment 2010.


Condemned, Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill, Slender Man, Amnesia, Penumbra, Project Zero/Fatal Frame, Alan Wake, Doom 3, Hunted: The Demon's Forge.

What makes survival horror good? http://thegamingmuse.tumblr.com/post/13026436537/the-elements-of-a-great-survival-horror-video-game

(Optional) Collectable aspects Research:

Cardcaptors (Anime) - The story focuses on Sakura Kinomoto, an elementary school student who discovers that she possesses magical powers after accidentally freeing a set of magical cards from the book they had been sealed in for years. She is then tasked with retrieving those cards in order to avoid an unknown catastrophe from befalling the world.

Lost Kingdoms (Gamecube) - Lost Kingdoms is best known for its unique system of combat. Battles are played in real-time, where the player has to keep their character moving to avoid enemy attacks and plot tactical points to attack. Katia uses her cards for battle purposes only, as she cannot fight. Lost Kingdoms also has a multiplayer system in which two players can use their own decks to battle one another. When compared to single-player, the multiplayer has various restrictions to make the fight fair. Healing and one-hit kills are forbidden. Since some cards have the ability to return used cards back to the deck, these types of cards are also prohibited.

Lost Kingdoms 2 (Gamecube) - In Lost Kingdoms II the player engages enemies during exploration and may revisit levels after they have been completed. There are a number of new cards, though most of the original cards from the first game are retained. Many of the originals have their effects reworked in various ways. Notable changes in the card effects include giving each summon card two effects that the player may choose from, and a new type of card that transforms the player into a creature. (226 cards total)
A notable interface addition is the ability to pay double the cost for any card in exchange for enhanced effect. Also, certain card combinations can be combined into a single, generally highly potent effect.
A new element is also introduced along with the original elements of fire, water, wood, earth and neutral. The new element, mechanical, is much like neutral as it has no weakness and strengths versus other elements. The only difference between the two is that mechanical and neutral have separate power levels, which the player can increase by using cards of the same element repeatedly, but lowering all other elements slightly and the opposite element even further. The main villain of the game is a user of the mechanical element.

Design document planning for presentation:

10 minute presentation showing tutors/peers our progression. Each slide should take about a minute to talk about, so should be concise yet detailed enough.

Structure as follows;
  1. Introduction to your BA7 project .
  2. What you researched and its impact on your project, this can include reference to your Research Report.
  3. How you will use this research to inform and enrich BA8.

Slide 1: Introduction

Slide 2: Origins of Horror

Slide 3: Horror in Film (Research Report)

Slide 4: Horror in Game (Research Report)

Slide 5: Demon Hunting / Witch Hunting / Ghost Hunting

Slide 6: Cryptids (suggested existence, highly unlikely)

Slide 7: Concept Work Enemies

Slide 8: Concept Work Protag

Slide 9: Refinement

Slide 10: Conclusion

*I do not own the photos in this blog unless I specifically claim them as my own*